- A'tuin
- Acolyte
- Adficio
- Adustum
- Aegis of Heliopolis
- Aftershock
- Agartha Prototype
- Alarin
- Alchemy Blade, Acid
- Alchemy Blade, Black Matter
- Alchemy Blade, Fire
- Aldridge Family Tree
- Alexander
- All-Seeing Eyes
- Alternate Favored Terrain
- Amulet of Eternal Magnetism
- Amulet of Time
- Ancient Tablet of the Bitter Earth
- Antagonist
- Arcana
- Arcana Eraser
- Arcane Flea
- Arch Invoker of Heaven
- Archivist
- Argus Hexacross
- Ark
- Ark Knight, Summoner
- Armor of Water
- Armorskin
- Arms of Earth
- Arms of Fire
- Arms of Frost
- Arms of Light
- Arms of Shadow
- Artifacts
- Asophel
- Assailing Vines
- Assassin Vine
- Assault Stance
- Associations and Deities
- Astral Tilt
- Atlas Swordsman
- Atreya
- Augeretis
- Aura of Dust
- Aura of Fate
- Avexus, Dragon of Water
- Avoren
- BBB Classes
- BM, RB Part 7 Summary
- BM, RB Part 8 Summary
- BM/RB Classes
- BM/RB Epic Characters
- BM/RB Equipment
- BM/RB Feats
- BM/RB Mystic Items
- BM/RB Races
- BM/RB Spells
- Backbiter
- Bae'erai Probe
- Bae'erai Sentinel
- Baelfire
- Bald Stones
- Baleful Utterance
- Balor, Teges
- Banishment of Shadows
- Basalt Golem
- Basalt Skeleton
- Beguiling Influence
- Beldanan
- Bias Born in Blood
- Binding of Suffering
- Biomagus
- Biomagus Spells
- Bite of the Locust
- Bitter Nip
- Bitter Rain
- Black-Touched
- Black Call
- Black Knight
- Black Matter Barrage
- Black Matter Burst
- Black Matter Jolt
- Black Matter Jolt, Greater
- Black Metal Red Blood
- Black Spear
- Blackforged
- Blackmetal Demolitionist
- Blackshore Nymph
- Blacksmith's Echo, Gold
- Blade of Reconcile
- Blazing Spell
- Blessing of Argent Light
- Blood Red Tome
- Blood to Venom
- Bloodthirsty Curr, Lesser
- Bolt of Uncreation
- Bolts of Fiery Light
- Bonded Naturalist
- Boneclaw Harpy
- Book of All Creation
- Book of Eminent Destruction
- Boots of Dodging
- Borogorge
- Borrowed Time
- Bound Scales of Iymrith
- Bracer of Precision
- Bracers of the Master Huntsman
- Branded
- Brass Mimic
- Breath of the Night
- Brigand
- Builder
- Burning Bolt of Light
- Burning Gale
- Burning Poison
- Burst Fire
- Caelliri
- Cage of Nettles
- Cairn of Decay
- Caladbolg
- Calcification
- Call of Frogs
- Call of the Beast
- Call to Fame
- Caller
- Caller Spells
- Campaign Traits
- Campaigns
- Captain Rans Vitalis
- Carbuncle, Black-Touched
- Carbuncle Diamond
- Cascade of Aggression
- Caster's Lament
- Castrio
- Caustic Mire
- Cautious
- Celebrity
- Celebrity Spells
- Celestial Elixir
- Celestial Surge
- Celestial Theurge
- Chain Arcana
- Chant of Espers
- Chaos Blitz
- Characters
- Charm
- Chiavette
- Chilling Tentacles
- Classes
- Cleric of the Keg
- Clockwork Maimare
- Cloth of Avexus
- Cloud of Swords
- Cold Comfort
- Combo-Techs
- Computer Use
- Congealation
- Conjuration of Solitude
- Contradiction
- Cook
- Counterstrike
- Craft
- Crawling Eye
- Creepy Stalker
- Crushing Chasm
- Crystal Spell
- Currencies
- Curse of Despair
- Cursed Star
- Cutter's Spellbook
- Dalbras
- Danbaros
- Dark Apiarist
- Dark Apiarist Spells
- Dark Discorporation
- Dark Foresight
- Dark One's Own Luck
- Darkness
- Daylight Dreamer, Bonepi Tito
- Daylight Dreamer, Cari'id
- Daylight Dreamer, Charles Risperidon
- Daylight Dreamer, Grief
- Daylight Dreamer, Seraphim Shadowflora
- Daylight Dreamer, Silke Blacksun
- Daylight Dreamers, Carlene Bedlam
- Dead Aim
- Death
- Death Rage
- Deckromancer
- Decompile
- Demolitions
- Demonwing Kite
- Desiccator, Lesser
- Developmental Apathy
- Devil's Sight
- Devoid of Strength
- Devour Magic
- Diamond Shackles
- Dimiliar Wind
- Dire Knife
- Disable Device
- Disciple of the Eighth
- Disembodied Hand
- Disjointer
- Disperse Black Matter
- Disrupt Intel
- Divine Arbiter
- Divine Intervention
- Dominate Insect
- Doombow
- Double Tap
- Dragon Pantheon
- Dragonleaf Gulch
- Dragoon
- Drugs and Tinctures
- Duet Partner (Mosh Pit)
- Dust Elemental, Sculptor
- Dust Elemental, Zephyr
- Dwarf
- Dwarf, Black-Touched
- Dwarf, Mummy
- Dwarf, Spectral Fighter
- Dwarf, Spectral Paladin
- EMP Pulse
- Eagle Eye
- Eagle Warlock
- Eani
- Earth Mote
- Earth Pick
- Earth Primals
- Earthburst
- Earthen Grasp
- Ehz Caliot
- Eldritch
- Elemental Savant
- Elite Ark Knight
- Elixer Well
- Elixir Well
- Enchanter
- Enchanter: Reload!
- Enchantments
- Endless Breath
- Enervating Shadows
- Enlarge Swarm
- Enticement of Flame
- Entropic Warding
- Equipment
- Espers
- Ether Chasm
- Ethric Pioneer
- Expedience
- Far Shot
- Feats
- Feldhibor
- Feldhibor, Greater
- Fell Flight
- Feralf
- Field Officer
- Field Officer Abilities
- Find Familiar
- Fire-Helm Knight
- Fireblood Confessor
- Fireblood Zealot
- Flames of Retribution
- Flee the Scene
- Flesh to Maggots
- Foul Rite of Dissolution
- Fulgoris
- Furious Dirge
- Gaia Knight
- Galmourn, Reflection of Darkness
- Gambler
- Gauss Technician
- Gaze of Judgement
- Gaztrexel
- Gearhead
- Geo Strike
- Geologist
- Geomancer
- Gigantes Wyvern
- Gigas
- Glamered Arcana
- Glamour of Air
- Glamour of Earth
- Glamour of Fire
- Glamour of Water
- Glamourist
- Glamourist and Occultist Spells
- Glemdall
- Godslayer
- Golden Reliquary
- Golem, Soul
- Gran
- Great-Fire Demon
- Greater Maimare
- Greater Nightwalker
- Greater Purity
- Greater Sanctimony
- Green Wizard
- Greenfaith
- Greybane Aura
- Guilemage
- Half-Ogre
- Half-Sphinx
- Hand of the Elder God
- Hangman Spells
- Healing Droplet
- Healing Prayers
- Hellspawned Grace
- Hidden Materia
- History
- Hollowed
- Hollowed Mummy
- Holy Lance
- Hungry Darkness
- Hymn of the Humming Flies
- Ice Age
- Identify
- Imboldt Mimic
- Incomplete Pages
- Infecting Spores
- Infiltrator
- Innoculation
- Internal Augmentation
- Ire
- Ironlight
- Ironstone Gully
- Isolate Infection
- Jagged Edge
- Judgement
- Judgement and Scorn
- Junk Breaker
- Justicar of Raffestum
- Kami Master
- Kardus
- Kiru
- Lady Alexiel
- Lagomorphopocalypse
- Leaps and Bounds
- Lesser Contradiction
- Lesser Mending Tincture
- Lesser Mental Clarity
- Liber Sanctus
- Lightning Circle